A.            Scheme of Examination :
The examination will be held in three successive stages viz. (1) Preliminary Examination (Objective Type), (2) Final Examination (Conventional Type Written) and (3) Personality Test, as detailed below.

Preliminary Examination : 200 marks.
The examination will consist of only one paper containing 100 Multiple choice objective type questions carrying 2 marks each on General Studies (150 marks) and Arithmetic (50 marks) and having 1 hour and 30 minutes duration. The Preliminary examination will be a screening test for selection of candidates for admission to the Final Examination. The marks obtained by candidates in Preliminary Examination will not be counted for the purpose of determining the final merit list.

Final Examination : 450 marks.
The examination will consist of three papers of Conventional type questions, namely, Paper-I : English, Paper-II : Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santhali and Paper-III : General Studies and Arithmetic. Full Marks and time for each of Papers - I & II will be 150 having a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. Full  Marks for Paper-III will be 150 [100 marks for General Studies (Group A) and 50 marks for Arithmetic(Group B)], the total time being 2 hours and 30 minutes. Answers for Group-A (General Studies) portion should be given in English or in Bengali or in Nepali and Answers for Group-B (Arithmetic) in English or in Bengali but all the answers for individual group must be in one and the same language.
The examination of all the three papers (Paper-I, II & III) will be held on the same day.

Personality Test : 100 marks.
A limited number of candidates selected merit-wise on the results of the Final Examination (Written) will be called to the Personality Test.
Final Merit List will be prepared on the basis of the total marks obtained in all the three papers of the Final Examination and that obtained in the Personality Test taken together.

B.            Syllabus for the Examination :
(a)      General Studies (Preliminary and Final Examination) : Questions will be set to test General Knowledge of a candidate in different spheres. (b) Arithmetic (Preliminary and Final Examination)  : Questions will be set on the basis of the syllabus of Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
Paper I : English (Final Examination) :
Questions may be asked on all or any of the following items :–
a)      Drafting of a report from points or materials supplied ;
b)      Translation from Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santhali, as the case may be, to English ;
c)      Condensing of a prose passage (Summary/Precis) ;
d)    Correct use of words, correction of sentences, use of common phrases, synonyms and antonyms etc.

Paper II : Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali / Santhali (Final Examination) :
Questions may be asked on all or any of the following items :–
a)      Drafting of a report from points or materials supplied ;
b)      Translation from English to Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santhali, as the case may be ;
c)      Condensing of a prose passage ;
d)      Grammar.
Papers I & II of the Final Examination will be of Higher Secondary (10 + 2) Examination standard of the West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education.
Assessment and evaluation of answer scripts done by the Commission shall be final and shall not be open to scrutiny by any external authority. The Commission shall have the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all of the papers of written examination and personality test.
A deduction of 10% of the full marks may be made from the total marks secured by a candidate in a particular paper if he/she discloses his/her identity by writing his/her name, roll number, ticket no. etc. or putting any identifying marks inside the answer-script of that paper.

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