General Knowledge For Competitive Exam ( WBSSC, PSC, Railway Exam )
General Knowledge For Competitive Exam ( WBSSC, PSC, Railway Exam )

General Knowledge For Competitive Exam ( WBSSC, PSC, Railway Exam )
1. What was the original name of Tansen, the most famous musician at the court of Akbar?
Answer: Ramtanu Pande
2. Which Sanskrit poet called as the Indian Shakespeare?
Answer: Kalidas
3. How many chamber are found in the heart of frog?
Answer: 3
4. Which Directive Principle of State Policy has NOT been implemented so far?
Answer: Uniform civil code for the citizens
5. When some detergent is added to water, what will be the surface tension?
Answer: Increases
6. What is the situation with increasing unemployment and inflation termed?
Answer: Stagflation
7. Port Blair - the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in which island?
Answer: South Andaman
8. Which decade is celebrated as United Nations Decade for Women?
Answer: 1976-1985
9. Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit?
Answer: BIFR
10. Which are the west-flowing rivers of southern Indian which flow into Arabian Sea?
Answer: Narmada and Tapti
11. When was the Indus Valley Civilization flourished?
Answer: During 2500-1750 B.C
12. Which is UN Programme and not special agency?
Answer: UNEP
13. Who is the author of the famous novel ‘Gone with the Wind’?
Answer: Charles Dickens
14. Which mammal rolls itself into ball at the time of danger?
Answer: Hedgehog
15. Which State has the largest forest area. ?
Answer: Gujarat
16. Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of which state?
Answer: Kashmir
17. Which amendments accorded precedence to Directive Principle over Fundamental Rights?
Answer: 42nd Amendment
18. Which is the biggest lake in India?
Answer: Chilka Lake
19. Which Indian ruler established embassies in foreign countries. on modern lines?
Answer: Tipu Sultan
20. In an atom the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by which principle?
Answer: Aufbau principle
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