How many days left for Durga Puja 2023 | Count Down
How many days left for Durga Puja 2023 | CountDown

How many days left for Durga Puja 2023 | Count Down
How many days left for Durga Puja?
Durga Puja, also known as Durgotsava or Shardotsava, is an annual Hindu festival originating in the Indian subcontinent that honors and pays homage to the Hindu goddess Durga. Durga puja is also celebrated due to Durga's victory over Mahishasur. Durga puja celebrated in the Indian states of West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Tripura, Odisha, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and the country of Bangladesh etc. Mother Durga prevails in Bengali hearts. Once a year Maa Durga comes to her own home. So Bengalis are filled with the joy of this festival. For this one day of the year, days are counted in waiting.
Mahalaya: Saturday, 16th September 2023
Maha Panchami: Wednesday, 27th September 2023
Maha Saptami: Thursday, 28th September 2023
Maha Ashtami: Friday, 29th September 2023
Maha Navami: Saturday, 30th September 2023
Vijayadashami (Dussehra): Sunday, 1st October 2023
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